Monday, January 20, 2014

If I Can't Have Snow

If I can't have snow on my mountains then give me some sunshine!
Give me a long weekend and give me a road trip

Give me sand and waves under a cloudless sky
Give me the basics and I will bring you on a great adventure
If I can't have snow then give me a golden day and time play
Give me family and give me friends
Give me a book to read and a notebook to write. Give me time to simply sit and close my eyes.
Give me a ball and I'll give you fun
Give me space to throw and catch and run
If I can't have snow then send me to the bay to find that crazy RV with its stuffed animals, puppets and signs
Give me Pixies Cafe and a hot burger and fries
Give me hugs and show me love
If I can't have snow in January then give me the beach and I'll stay long enough to watch the sun set on a glorious day.

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