Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Good Things

Good things today
Garrett telling Brynne today as we were walking down the hall at church,"Hey Brynne come here, I haven't even gotten a good hug from you since you got home!" I love that my kids love each other and they show it.
That Janey can pull off camo at church and even coordinates with her husband.  She says the matching was inspired by the Winters who pull if off weekly. Love the Wildings!
As difficult as early morning church is for us, I was reminded about the flip side today: Sunday afternoon naps! I laughed remembering a comment my cousin made not too long ago asking if I even wear sweatshirts as I looked down at my usual after church attire. I threw the covers back on my bed, tucked my freshly painted toes into yummy flannel sheeted goodness and curled up with a book.  
After a good nap I rallied the kids together to get dinner made. Drew was the best. He single handedly prepared our biscuits.
baked them to perfection and then basted the tops with a melted butter and garlic herb sauce.
I made chicken, Garrett made salad and set the table, Wes was in charge of rice and stuffing, and Brynne was in charge of filling all the glasses with ice and water.  I love a good meal and I love it even more when my family helps prepare it!
And then I came in to find Drew hand washing the pan from the biscuits, seriously that kid is worth his weight in gold at least!
After dinner dishes were done Drew gave me a hug and asked if I was going to have time now to just do whatever I wanted that would make me happy.  Really, my 12 year old son wanted to make sure I was taking time for myself. I adore him. As it just so happens I was on my way out to curl up my sun room.
I had a candle burning and it just felt good in there. I was feeling so grateful that I had that little space to call my own.  As we were building Jeff just kept telling me to do what ever I wanted with the space. Bead board on the ceiling, added archways and a bookshelf, trim on the windows, fun furniture and fancy fixtures, no problem. Whatever I wanted.  I love that room. I love the windows all around.  I love that it over looks the pool and the trail where I love to run. I love the whitewashed flooring. I love that its mine. 
These are just a few of the good things from today. I'm sure in the coming weeks and months I'll have many more editions of The Good Things posts, documenting more of the big and little things I am grateful for but these are the things that stand out the most at the close of this relaxing day.

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