Saturday, January 11, 2014


I have no pictures today. Weird huh? It seems I'm always snapping away documenting the little things along my journey, but today nothin'. It's the end of a day that seemed long. Too long and yet not long enough. I still needed a few more hours to get things done, but there were lots of little snags in all of my plans as they unfolded today. I've averaged about 3 hours of sleep the last 3 nights and this girl is tired. Likely why i'm feeling a little down. But with my determination to post daily I've been reminded of several good things that happened today.

First of all I ran 9 miles this morning. I haven't been up to running that far since the St George Marathon in October, so that felt really good.  My pace was impossibly slow. A few minutes slower per mile than I have ever been, but I think my hamstring is finally recovering because it didn't bother me at all the whole run.  I know I'll get back to where I was. Patience. I'm working on it.

Good thing numbber two happened when Brynne's friend came to play today, her mom offered to stay and help me get my Christmas decorations from inside the house down. Yeah I know it's about time, but seriously wasn't that so sweet?!  She stayed for a few hours and it made my chores way more fun!

Good thing number 3 today was that I found Easter candy at CVS today. Cadbury egg easter candy. Only January and we are already stocking up for Easter. Its absolutely nuts to me, but if it brings me goodness in the form of big chocolate eggs, then I'm totally not complaining.

Good thing number 4 was that I got a little one on one time with Brynne today when she came with me to the nail salon.  She got to have her fingers and toes painted and she was so happy! I love seeing that girl smile!

The rest of my day left much to be desired and we'll just leave it at that.  Some good, some bad, nothing out of the ordinary, just a day. Here's to hoping tomorrow brings about a better one!  Good night January 11 2014, you were only "meh" in my book.

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