Thursday, December 20, 2012

Exactly What I Need!

 Hundreds of thousands of people across the country on social media networks are taking the opportunity to share old pictures as a part of Throwback Thursday. So I thought I'd join in and share some oldies but goodies of my sister Tara and I because she is on her way to visit me today!! 
I miss my little sister terribly! She moved to Utah in August and it's been hard on us both.  I was in denial for quite a while that it was really happening.  I wouldn't talk to her about the move or anyone else.  The tears came if I tried.
And then she left.  I hated that she was gone.  I missed knowing she was right around the corner.  I tried writing about it for a blog post, but just couldn't even put it down in words.  I have since revisited that draft 3 or 4 times.  I just can't get through it.  I seem to have words for just about everything in life, but I can't find the right ones to show what my sister means to me.
Just two years younger than me, we have always been partners in crime.  As opposite in personality types as two people can be, but thicker than thieves.  Fiercely loyal and the greatest support.  
I have felt her absence so much the last several weeks.  I know she is just a phone call away but somehow it's just not the same.  We have been spoiled to live just a mile apart for the last 7 years.  Our kids have grown up with each other and are more like siblings than cousins.  I met her husband when I was 14 at a stake dance. He was then and is still one of my very favorite people on the planet. She couldn't have found a better match.
I have been completely off of my game lately and it's been hard to convince myself to get moving, but when Tara called last Thursday night to tell me they were coming I've gotten a tiny bit of bounce back into my step.  I think a visit from my sister is just what I need.
We made it through bad haircuts, dumb boyfriends, the styles of the early 90's, borrowed clothes, and everything else that comes with the dramatic teenage years.
 When we are sleepy, we're silly together, maybe beyond silly, but we think we are pretty funny together.  We know each others little quirks, strengths and weaknesses, and love each other still.  
 My post all about my sister is still in draft form.  You'll see it here eventually, but for now just know that I think she's pretty darn fabulous.  I'm so excited to spend some time with her, and I think it's exactly what I need!

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