Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cute Cakes!
As soon as his cast was off and the nurse had gone to get the doctor and check the x rays,Brynne came up to Garrett and told him excitedly,"Garrett hey, you're not broken any more!" She was so happy she figured we ought to do just what Dora does when there is good news. Celebrate by singing and dancing, and since I had my camera she insisted I take some pictures of her and Garrett dancing. Of course she didn't let me off the hook either and she actually got a shot of me doing the happy dance. So here is our Celebration Dance!
President Pouter... Yours Truly
Donuts with Dad
Monday, September 22, 2008
This is my song...
Another Saturday...Another Dance
Heather, Chris and Wendee
This is the respect we get...
These costumes didn't last much past the front door!
Monday, September 15, 2008
I Like Your Shirt
I'm Lovin' It!
Game Day
We were back at the school for more football on Saturday for the Football carnival. All the ementary schools that feed into the one High school came to compete in quick 12 minute games and it was quite the scene!
Of Course...

I knew I was going to have to hunker down and give up my love for late night reading when school started. I have to get up earlier with the kids and learn to be in bed before 12am (which is pretty early for me) I was doing okay until I started The Host. Of course, I got all wrapped up in the story and stayed up until my sprinklers turned on and then until my newspaper was delivered...I hate it when that happens! Of course I loved the book. Then of course I didn't stop there I read these three books too. And so, no rest for the weary. I was up past 3 am 4 days last week. But of course, its all my own dumb fault. I should have known better. It's just the way I am!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ruth's Chris...?
Fancy That!

My Brynne was invited to a Fancy Nancy Birthday party this week and if you are a girl between the ages of 3 and 5 years old and you didn't go to this party...you are missing out! Check out all this fancy fun!